Click Image

Command Prototype


Command Description

Find the image in the specified area and click on it

Parameter Description
Required Parameter
objUiElement--Correspond to the UI element to operate; when passed as a string type, it is used as feature string to find the UI element; when passed as UiElement type, directly click its matching UI element
objRect--The area in the control where the program will recognize texts. If the area is passed as {"x":0,"y":0,"width":0,"height":0}, then execute text recognition in this rectangle area of the control
sImagePath--The path to the image to find, generally in the res folder
iAccuracy--Similarity to be used for finding images, ranging from 0.5 - 1.0, ie. similarity of 50% - 100%
iButton--Mouse button {left:left button, right:right button, middle:middle button}
iType--Type of click {click: click, dbclick: double click, down: pressed down, up: bounce up}
iTimeOut-- Specify the time (in milliseconds) to wait for an activity to run before SelectorNotFoundException throws an error. The default is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds)
Optional Parameter
bContinueOnError--Specify whether automation should continue if the activity throws an error. This field only supports Boolean values ​​(True, False). The default is False
iDelayAfter--The delay in milliseconds after the activity is executed. The default is 300 milliseconds
iDelayBefore--The delay in milliseconds before the activity starts any operation. The default is 200 milliseconds
bSetForeground--Activate the target window or not before the operation
sCursorPosition--Describes the starting point of the cursor used to add offsets from OffsetX and OffsetY properties. The following options are available: TopLeft, TopRight, BottomLeft, BottomRight and Center. The default option is Center
iCursorOffsetX--The horizontal offset of the cursor position based on the option selected in the Position field
iCursorOffsetY--The vertical offset of the cursor position based on the option selected in the Position field
sKeyModifiers--Keyboard keys pressed down when a mouse action is triggered, the following options are available: Alt, Ctrl, Shift, Win
sSimulate--Type of Simulation, {default: default UIA mode, simulate: simulated click, message: windows message}
sMatchType--Specify a match type for an image, gray match is fast, but it may fail in extreme situation. the color match is more accurate than gray match, but the matching speed is slightly slower.
iSerialNo--The sequence number when the specified image is matched to multiple targets. The sequence number is a positive integer staring from 1, and increases from left to right on the screen from top to bottom. The sequence number of the target closest to the upper left corner of the screen is 1.

results matching ""

    No results matching ""